Manifesting with Appreciation

Manifesting with Appreciation – it’s a Higher Vibration than Gratitude!

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Being in the habit of daily gratitude journaling is all the rage right now, especially in the self-help and New Agey realm – and with good reason!

Actively being grateful is a great way to reprogram the mind from, “I wish I had…” (lack) to, “I’m so glad I’ve got” (abundance).

And I’m not here to knock it by any means! In fact, I partake in daily gratitude journaling myself… sort of.

But what if I told you there was something of an even higher vibration than gratitude?

Today I want to delve into the world of manifesting with appreciation in place of gratitude journaling if manifestation is your aim.

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Why Appreciation is a Higher Vibration than Gratitude


The first thing I do every morning before I even have my coffee, is to sit down and physically write a full page in my Appreciation Journal.

Yep, while everyone else is plugging along with their Gratitude Journals, I’m all about appreciation!

Even though gratitude and appreciation are very closely related, there are a few very important distinctions.

Gratitude: Feeling thankful for the positive things in your life.

Appreciation: The recognition and enjoyment of the positive things in your life.

When you feel grateful for a person, item or experience, you are sitting in the energy of, “I’m so glad to have this,” or “I feel so blessed to have this.”

Whereas, when you feel appreciation for a person, item or experience, your energy is filled with true joy and acknowledgment of that thing. The energy is more of, “This person/ place/ thing is so good, I love it!”

In other words…

Gratitude = “I’m so lucky to have.”
Appreciation = “I love having.”

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Manifesting with Appreciation

Now that we can see the differences between gratitude and appreciation, let’s apply that to the daily practice of each.

Daily Gratitude Journaling

When you’re journaling on a daily basis in the feeling of gratitude, you are effectively listing out all of the things that are already in your life that you feel fortunate enough to have.

It’s basically the energy of thanking something outside of yourself for being lucky enough to have been given those blessings.

Can you see where I’m going here?

Daily Appreciation Journaling

When we journal daily with the emotion of appreciation, we are not kneeling down and thanking the Gods for blessing us, but rather, we’re relishing in what we’ve got and loving it to the max.

Appreciation is a higher vibration than gratitude because it’s acknowledging what we love and feel good about in our lives, rather than feeling grateful to an outside source for deeming us worthy enough to have had blessings bestowed upon us.

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Manifesting Through Daily Journaling

Book, coffee, relaxing

Gratitude does have its place in our lives because we absolutely do need to be thankful for all that we have.

However, when it comes to journaling with the intention of manifesting more abundance, appreciation is the way to go!

Daily journaling communicates to the universe what we want more of. This is why being in the energy of joy and love is so much more powerful than simply feeling lucky or glad to have something.

Tips for Daily Appreciation Journaling:

  • Consistency is key to raising your vibrational frequency
  • Dedicate 10 – 15 minutes per day to journaling
  • Use detail to describe things that are already in your life that you appreciate
  • Also include things that are not in your life yet, but you want to call in
  • Start with small things so that you can prove the concept to yourself

The universe doesn’t discriminate between what you’ve already got & what you want – it simply gives you more of whatever energy you’re dominantly sitting in.

Always use:

  1. Present tense (even if you don’t have whatever it is that you’re calling in yet)
  2. Positive words
  3. Specific details of the outcome (but allow room for the universe to deliver it in a way you may not be able to think of)
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How Long Until Your Manifestations Start to Work?

I’ve only been doing the Daily Appreciation Journal thing for about 3 months (religiously, with only a few missed days) and I can tell you that I started seeing obvious movement in my life within the first month.

There are some big goals on my list, which could potentially take quite a while to build and accomplish, but I’ve also included lots of smaller goals, which have already come to fruition and been surpassed.

I recommend mixing in both large and small goals for your own daily journaling as well. This way, with the small goals, you’ll be able to see the evidence that it’s working pretty quickly, which will encourage you to keep going.

Just remember that using an appreciation journal for manifestation is all about reprogramming the old limiting beliefs from, “I can’t have what I want,” to “I can have whatever life I want to create.”

Rome wasn’t built in a day, so be gentle with yourself and give it time.

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Creating a Daily Appreciation Journal

What you use for your Daily Appreciation Journal is totally up to you. I have a friend who loves to do it on her Kindle Scribe, while I personally get the most joy out of putting pen to paper.

Daily Appreciation Journal

You can simply use a notebook, or if you want to create your own journal, feel free to download the Daily Appreciation Journal above, hole punch the sides and add the pages to a folder.

Now it’s time to start bringing in more of what you want in life by manifesting with appreciation!

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